Civil & Commercial Litigation
We are well-positioned to act for and advise clients at all levels of trial and appellate litigation before the Singapore Courts in complex and high-quantum disputes. With our strong legal acumen, mastery of legal concepts and vast advocacy experience, our team members have successfully litigated novel issues of law which have influenced the development of law in Singapore.
We have vast experience and are skilled in all aspects of civil and commercial litigation, including:
• Contractual disputes
• Residential and condominium defects disputes
• Sale and purchase of property disputes
• Misrepresentation disputes
• Insolvency disputes
• Applications under the Companies Act
• Joint venture disputes
• Shareholders’ disputes
• Workplace injury disputes
• White-collar crime
Key Cases
Our team’s notable experience include:
JDC Corporation v Lightweight Concrete Pte Ltd [1999] 1 SLR (R) 96: Court of Appeal decision on application for stay of action pending arbitration.
Woh Hup (Pte) Ltd & 2 ors v Lian Teck Construction Pte Ltd [2005] SGCA 26: Court of Appeal decision on the court’s jurisdiction to order pre-arbitral discovery.
Tan Juay Pah v Kimly Construction Pte Ltd and others [2012] 2 SLR 549: Court of Appeal decision on civil liability for damages, the Workplace Safety and Health Act (“WSHA”) and the duties of the various parties under the WSHA.
Management Corporation Strata Title Plan No. 3322 v Mer Vue Developments Pte Ltd [2016]
4 SLR 351: Court of Appeal decision on joinders and limitation periods.
Jin Ling Enterprise Pte Ltd v E C Prime Pte Ltd [2019] SGHC 209: High Court decision on a misrepresentation claim relating to the sale and purchase of property exceeding S$13 million.
CKR Contract Services Pte Ltd v Asplenium Land Pte Ltd [2020] SGHC 81: High Court decision on appeals under the Arbitration Act.
CKR Contract Services Pte Ltd v Asplenium Land Pte Ltd [2020] 5 SLR 665: High Court decision on effects of pleadings not satisfying essential elements of cause of action and multiple bases for striking out under O 18 r 19(1) Rules of Court (Cap 322, R 5, 2014 Rev Ed).
CLX v CLY and another and another matter [2023] 4 SLR 241: High Court decision on setting aside of an arbitration award on grounds of public policy, fraud and breach of natural justice under Section 48 of the Arbitration Act 2001.